A Day(s) I'm Thankful for! Today is a happy day! Went out with the SJAB [E.I.G.H.T] but ended up with 4 members in total only. Lol. What an irony, BUT it was great fun with just the few of us. I think the other 3 spent quite a lot of time and effort preparing for it. So, here's a crash summary of my birthday celebration spread over 3 days! woah~
26th Jan
I had quite a surprise because my parents were supposed to go out with my aunty for dinner and stuff so I would be the only one at home that night. But it ended up with my dad coming home at 7+-8 with a birthday cake! He said it was raining so the meeting with my aunt was cancelled. It's not exactly a planned surprise since it was an on-the-way thing, but I didn't expect it, so I was happy~ ^^
My Bro and his girlfriend gave me a white Kappa slingbag when we had dinner together the week before, and it's something I like too! But due to certain reasons (I have no idea where my mum put it!!!) I can't put up a picture of it.1st FebMet up with one of my "bestest" friends from SJ--> Mavis!!! We had a nice chat over a meal just like the old days. Managed to catch up on quite a huge chunk of our individual life and these chat sessions are really an activity I cherish. It was just the 2 of us with a nice heart to heart conversation. Ooooh mushy~ Haha.. I was happy too! It wasnt an elaborate celebration but it was a most sincere meeting. (She gave me a treat btw. Haha.. Must give her the credit here, though she doesn't know I have a blog.)
3rd Feb
The happiest day! Went out to meet Kok, Kat & Pingx at KBox. Not exactly my cup of tea, but since it was a celebration for me and I appreciate it, I decided to go ahead. It's not that I detest the place, but I can't seem to sing in front of others. I think I have the bathroom singer kind of life. XD Ok, back on topic: When I reached, Pingx came out to bring me in, and they started snapping pics of me and even played Twins version of Happy Birthday! That song is hilarious because it starts normal then becomes like a remix version which goes fasterandfasterandfaster! You almost have no time to breathe. And the dense me didn't realise they had decorated the place and took a seat. They had to point out before I realised the tremendous effort they put in to decorate the place. It was almost like their home already. ROFL! Their handmade gift is something I will really treasure, and now I'm planning to hang it on my wall, if only I can figure out how to. *sheepish* I do know how to do it. Just give me some time to think. Ah and last but not least, we went to take Purikura, commonly known as Neoprints. Something I havent done in years, but surprisingly enjoyed. It turned out pretty well. Soooo... now for the pictures.
Behind the scenes (provided by Pingx)

The 4 of us~
The Wonderful Gifts! 
All in all, I've had a really great birthday this year~ *muacks* Thanks to everyone! And I really cherish everyone sooooo much more than I've ever had. As the chinese saying goes, 经一事长一智, every experience has made me a person who cherish the people around me greatly. Perhaps my IQ didn't go up, but I do hope my EQ did. XD I really do love all of you, so do take care of yourselves so that we can be friends forever!!